Webinaire spécial Covid-19 "Change our world now!" - Human Synergistics

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Human Synergistics organise le 23 juin après-midi un webinaire spécial (en anglais) pour aider les organisations à aller de l'avant en cette période de crise.  Webinaire en anglais gratuit, sans obligation de participer aux 3 conférences.


  1. Managing uncertainty de 13h30 à 14h30 
  2. Immunity to change de 15h00 à 16h00 
  3. Human Synergistics culture mirror instrument de 16:30 à 17:30 


  1. Adrian Stanciu, Consultant et Partenaire d'Human Synergistics Roumanie, Serbie et Hongrie. 
  2. Valere Cauwenberg, Managing Director d'Human Synergistics Franco BeLux. 
  3. Tim Kuppler, Directeur du Développement Organisationnel chez Human Synergistics USA. 


Keynote 1 - 1:30pm - Managing uncertainty 

« We live in the mother of all uncertainties. Never before, since WWII, has the world witnessed such a quick succession of events and crises with far-reaching and impossible to predict consequences. 

It is also a time when we witness a whirlwind of conspiracy theories, each one more extreme and more absurd than the previous.

Is it possible that the two observations above are connected? Does uncertainty span conspiracies? Does our mind play tricks with us? How does our mind respond to such a situation, what are the pitfalls we are subjected to, how can we defend ourselves from them? 

Uncertainty not only creates stress, but it creates anxiety and a threat response. 

The situation is similar also at organisational level. [...]

This webinar does not claim to solve all your problems or answer all your questions. It does, however, claim to be of help. It will help you understand how your mind deals with uncertainty, how its coping mechanisms may be dangerous in times of crisis and what we can we do to mitigate this. It will also help you understand how to run organizations in times of uncertainty, how to look for first principles and re-define your purpose as an organization, how to replace rules with values and how to look for predictability where it may still be found »


Keynote 2 - 3pm  - Are organizations immune to change ?

« It is a harrowing fact that attempts to change organizations fail in 70% to 80% of the cases or give insufficient results. The pace at which this is learned is slow. Nevertheless, there is an increase in scientific research from which important lessons can be learned.  

Pettigrew (2000) is one of the most important pioneers of empirical research into organizational change. He shows that the success rate shoots up as organizations become more able to approach change integrally. This involves the introduction of changes in structure, strategy, processes, systems, attitude and behavior more or less simultaneously and in particular. [...] Organizations that are changing integrally and in conjunction, however, have performance improvements of more than 60%. 

Crucial to the success of organizational change is that one addresses three agendas together (Y. de Loo, 2008): the rational agenda (the why and what of the change), the emotional agenda (involvement with head and heart) and the behavioral agenda (actually changing attitude and behavior). [...] 

Change management combines the rational, emotional and behavioral agenda and is therefore still in its infancy as a scientific discipline.

As mentioned, overview studies make clear that there is a call for an integrated and thoughtful approach to changes (Ten Have, Ten Have and Jansen, 2009). Those who do not succeed in the required cultural change do not know how to change sustainably and effectively (Van Es, Boonstra and Tours, 2009) ».

Valere Cauwenberg


Keynote 3 - 4:30pm - Human Synergistics culture mirror instrument

What is your organization’s new normal during the COVID-19 crisis? Are you feeling proud about the work of your leadership? Are you doing things you never dreamed possible or are you struggling with team members who are lost and confused? What story will you tell when the COVID-19 pandemic is in the past and how will you make the most of the experience now?

The Culture Mirror instrument helps undertanding how to assess patterns of behavior and improve results. It is a targeted process to assess the current state of disruption, compare to pre-crisis approach, refine COVID-19 plans, and embed Constructive change. 

Benefits of the COVID-19 Culture Mirror

  • Guided approach to learning, reflecting, and planning
  • Limited time investment (two weeks or less)
  • Improve clarity and alignment
  • Capture and proliferate Constructive change that has emerged organically
  • Improve group collaboration and organizational adaptation
  • Targeted survey with high return on investment
  • Refine COVID-19 recovery plans

Create a strategy to embed or effect Constructive change


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